Social Responsibility
We treat all employees fairly, properly, and with respect. We value and develop diversity and equality, and do not accept harassment, threats, or discrimination against any employees or business partners. We respect the right to organize and collective bargaining. And, of course, we do not permit child, illegal, or forced labor.
Winning stories – People
The kids are alright at Eltwin
Eltwin has introduced a major increase to its parental leave benefits for salaried employees in Denmark as part of an overall strategy to attract more young professionals and secure the company’s future.
The inspiration behind this move? It’s all about listening.

Employees evaluate their workplace's focus on their health to 79/100.
*Employee Satisfaction Survey
Employees value how pleasent the communication tone in the workplace is to 78/100.
of employees say they do not encounter bullying at work.
of employees say they have not been discriminated against.
*Employee Satisfaction Survey

Winning stories – People
'Love the neighbor' - Polish Eltwinners drive Ukraine donation
At Eltwin, we believe in contributing to the greater good through local actions. This principle came to the fore in early 2022 following the invasion of Ukraine.
Due to their close geographical and cultural ties with the Ukrainian people, our colleagues in Poland initiated a donation of money and necessities that Eltwinners around the world contributed to. The donations were distributed amongst Ukrainian refugees in Poland.
Employees in the group
Training and education
number of hours
Production employees
Administrative employees
Winning stories – People
Making a direct impact
To help our employees reduce waste and to make a direct impact in developing communities, Eltwin Group decided to support Eaubottle in 2022. Eaubottle is a Scandinavia-based social enterprise that sells premium insulated bottles to finance the drilling of water wells in Africa.
As part of our social responsibility work, Eltwin bought an Eaubottle for each employee. That’s around 400 bottles that last a lifetime and reduce demand for single-use plastic alternatives. As each bottle also guarantees one person in Ghana fresh drinking water for seven years, the coordinates of the well it helped finance are printed on the bottle’s base. This ensures our Eltwinners are reminded of the direct impact they are a part of.