Our Corporate Social Responsibility Management System
Our Corporate Social Responsibility Management System
At Eltwin Group, we aim to be a secure partner that customers can always rely on and deal with in a professional manner. To document, maintain, and continually improve our corporate social responsibility work, we use our certified internal integrated management system that meets the DS49001 standard, as well as integrating ISO9001, ISO14001, and ISO45001.
The system ensures the accuracy, security, and accessibility of data, and is described in “The Integrated Management System Manual”. Its effectiveness is maintained in accordance with applicable requirements, and to control all system policies, procedures, and processes.
As a company operating globally, we have many business opportunities yet face various types of risk – including sustainability risks. These risks can have varying impacts on our stakeholders and ourselves as a company.
Sustainability risks are largely coordinated by our parent company, but risk assessment and action plans are designed and implemented locally by each company’s Board. These risks are managed in accordance with our values and guidelines. We are also continuing our work on development of risk scenarios at NIBE Group level.
Our Stakeholder Dialogue
Eltwin Group’s sustainability profile requires constant engagement with a number of primary stakeholders. This ongoing conversation plays an important role in helping us understand our stakeholders’ priorities from a sustainability perspective and provides input for what we should be focusing on. In 2022, we sent targeted surveys to all employees and a group of customers, as well as interviewing groups and individuals on job satisfaction. The data gathered from this research has been incorporated into our sustainability reporting to our parent company and our CSR report.
We see an increasing interest in sustainability from our stakeholders. The topics of interest include new technology, carbon emissions, new regulatory requirements, diversity, and human resource management. We have included these topics as inputs to our materiality analysis.

*We used an assessment method in which we considered each stakeholder group based on their power/influence on us and their interest for/impact on us.
Global impact calls for local actions - our 7 CSR principles
Our CSR policy is based on 7 principles that we follow in every little action we take:
1. Environmental Sustainability: Our Earth is the prerequisite of a prosperous future for all of us – now and in the generations to come. We aim to improve our positive environmental handprint by creating products for sustainable solutions and climate protection. And by reducing our negative environmental impact – our footprint.
2. Customer Satisfaction: We want to build long-term partnerships and create sustainable profitability for our customers and ourselves. Therefore, we aim to meet or surpass the expectations of our customers in terms of our products and services.
3. Strong Leadership: Strong leadership is about having a vision, creativity, and the ability to influence others and to support them – all to move an organization forward and find new paths where the business can evolve and prosper.
4. Employee Satisfaction: Our employees are our most important resource. And we want them to be happy and fulfill their desires and needs at work. Then we gain satisfied and motivated employees and a positive employee spirit.
5. Business Ethics: Our business relations and business methods are based on compliance with legislation and the application of good business ethics. We demand honesty, transparency, and mutual trust. We prohibit bribery. We do not accept gifts and other benefits. And all employees must avoid any conflict of interest between private and professional issues.
6. Social Responsibility: We treat all employees fairly, properly and with respect. We value and develop diversity and equality, and do not accept harassment, threats or discrimination against any employees or business partners. We respect the right to organize and collective bargaining. And, of course, we do not permit child, illegal or forced labor.
7. Local Engagement: We involve ourselves in and collaborate with local communities, networks, and institutions. We spread the knowledge of our products and our company. We prioritize local sponsorship agreements that support our values. And we do not engage in politics.
New Core Issues - 2023
Just as in previous years, sustainability continues to place more and new demands on our products and our activities. For Eltwin Group, reporting becomes increasingly comprehensive in connection with directives, regulations, and laws, such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
We continue to sharpen our skills in respect to the environment and climate, social responsibility, and ethical issues. Not only because the requirements concerning these areas are becoming increasingly rigorous, but because we want to have the right tools and conditions to steer our company towards taking greater responsibility and to fulfil our own commitments.
Developing a systematic approach, we have started developing our carbon accounting and life cycle assessments (LCA), where we expect significantly stricter requirements in the future regarding substances in products and components.
Our own seven CSR principles continue to serve as key guidelines for how to run our business. We always focus on these, with particular emphasis on our decarbonization and energy goals.